In Search of the Frightening and Beautiful

what holds us together

gifts in the mail

Suzuki DR650 engine cross-section diagram, showing locations of fasteners: the tiny bits that keep it all from blowing apart under untold thousands of pounds of pressure per second.

 What the hell is this, anyway?

More than likely you’ve reached this page because you received an envelope containing an artwork, some leading words and a link. (Or you are wandering through my site and randomly happened upon this page after looking at other projects, like In Search of the Frightening and Beautiful – in which case, welcome.)

This page, along with the individual works I’ve sent out, represents fragments of a whole – pieces of something larger, something capable of setting off chain reactions of creativity and movement when combined into one element. It brings together many forms in which I work – embroidery, drawing, writing and gift-giving, to name a few – in the service of reminding people they are remembered and loved. We need this right now.

If you received a card, scroll through this page and search for the image that best matches what you have in your hand. Click on the image, and there you will find a story. This and the others are tales from the road, curated from hundreds collected from over seven years of solo motorcycle travel, embarked upon in the service of my ongoing project, In Search of the Frightening and Beautiful.

As Covid-19 limits our ability to gather, to travel, to shake hands and hold each other…this is my way of holding you. 2020 is over. It’s time for renewal.



series 2

series 3

This project is a labor of love. If you received a painting, it is yours to do with as you see fit. If you would like to donate to help cover the costs of materials and postage, below is a PayPal link; I’d gratefully accept the help. These works are also available on order for $125 each, if someone you love is in need of a gift. If you are interested in placing an order, contact me.

Thank you.
